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Thursday, April 14, 2011

St. Joseph Police Officer shot, killed in line of duty

ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI--Tragedy has struck St. Joseph.

A shooting rampage killed a police officer and the gunman near 22nd and Frederick Streets in St. Joseph yesterday.
Officer Bradley Thomas Arn, the respondent on the scene, was killed when bullets hit his back window seven times, striking him in the back of the head and killing him,
All available officers responded to the shooting, resulting in the death of the gunman by an unnamed officer near the Calvary Baptist Church.
The gunman, who donned camouflage, a backpack, fired his shotgun at the officer as he arrived at 22nd and Union Streets, according to police.
Police are using finger prints to identify the shooter, who sported a Mohawk haircut.  His pockets were filled with ammunition and had a knife, police said.
 Witnesses saw Officer Arn driving until he slumped over in his seat and hit the accelerator, causing the car to lurch forward, jump the curb and crashing into a boat in the parking lot. After his car was recovered, it was discovered that seven shots had riddled his car.
 George MacFeat who was driving in the car behind Officer Arn, was also injured by the gunshots
Windows broke in his car and a bullet fragment or glass caught MacFeat’s head.  He received treatment for his injuries, according to his girlfriend, Norma Guthrie.
There are no funeral services scheduled.  A 10 a.m. press conference has been scheduled by the police department to give more details. 
Photograph: Officer Bradley Thomas Arn
Officer Bradley
Thomas Arn

Officer Bradley Thomas Arn Memorial Page

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