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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Candidates Sway Seniors for Lenoir School District Seat

Senior citizens in the Lenoir School District worry that a proposal for year-round schooling might hit them in the pocketbook.
School board candidates took opposing stands on the proposal at the Lenoir center Tuesday night.

Could year-rould schooling could be the solution to overcrowding?

School board candidate Henry Lane said he believes there is “a changing tide” when it comes to using trailers as classrooms.
Lane said that implementing a schedule with multiple tracks would help overcrowding by reducing the number of students in daily attendance at the school by 25 percent. 
Board President Elton Fay, also in the running, said year-round schooling isn’t a practical idea.
“What Mr. Lane fails to tell you is that if we are to avoid erecting additional buildings, to save on construction costs, the cost of educating our children would go up substantially,” Fay said.
Fay added that year-round schooling would mean different schedules for students of different ages.
“This community does not want schools on totally different schedules,” he said.  Candidate Larry Dorman said.
“If money weren’t an issue, I’d build all the schools necessary,” Dorman said.
Incumbent Kerry Corino said the increasing population makes it difficult to counteract large class sizes.
She said it is unfair to make comparisons between public and private schools because public schools cannot turn away students.
“Private schools can pick who they want; public schools cannot pick who they want,” Corino said.

Beverly Stuart... and Will Robinson discuss
year-round schooling...does it work?

Where do the candidates stand? Take a look

  • Henry Lane-believes that year round schooling is a practical idea. Lane said a multitracking schedule would help overcrowding by reducing the number of students in daily attendance at the school by 25 percent.
  • Elton Fay- year round schooling is a bad idea.  “The community does not want schools on totally different schedules.”
  • Larry Dorman- focus is on eliminating overcrowding in the schools and increasing teacher pay.
  • Incumbent Kerry Corino- Increasing population makes it difficult to counteract large class sizes, especially in public schools due to overcrowding.

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