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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Football Too Violent for High School? Some say Yes

Is football too violent for high school?  Some critics think so.
Last year alone, 13 youths died.  Each year, about 20,000 injuries occur in high school football, with 2,400 of them disabling victims permanently.  What may be most concerning is that 70,000 of these injure the head or neck, leading to speculation that helmets used in football are not up to par.
Pete Stenhoff knows about football injuries.  He was a physically fit, 210-point linebacker for Chula Vista High School when he planted his helmet in the chest of a ball carrier two years ago.  He hasn’t walked since.
Medics that night rushed Stenhoff to the hospital, where he learned he had cracked vertebrae
Many critics blame the helmet for these injuries; however, many people simply think that football at the high school level is too dangerous, and that the risks outweigh the rewards.
Stenhoff lost nearly 40 pounds and was unable to graduate with his classmates.  He is taking courses in hopes of graduating soon.  After all he has endured, he is not bitter.
“I knew the risks involved when I decided to play football, but I wish I would have known just how bad it could be.”

In response to injuries such as this, youths are becoming more informed about concussions and injuries of this nature, EA Sports' Madden NFL video game leading the way.

Dr. David Samadi discusses concussions in Youth Sports 

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